MIDCON Data Services converts Microfilm, Microfiche and Aperture cards using highly technical conversion processes of taking roll film, microfiche or Aperture Cards and converting the film to a digital format.
MIDCON can help convert microform to digital copies by offering a variety of services that involve scanning and digitizing microforms, such as microfilm, microfiche, and aperture cards. These services typically involve using specialized equipment and software to capture the analog information stored on the microform and convert it into a digital format. We use the industry’s best scanners and imaging software to capture and enhance digitized images. MIDCON also provide additional services, such as quality control, image enhancement, indexing, and organizing the digital files for easy access and retrieval. By providing these services, the company can help organizations preserve and access their historical documents and records in a more efficient and effective manner.
We use both automation and manual processes to apply indexes to the scanned images, creating searchable digital documents. We perform quality control reviews to ensure our customers’ satisfaction.
Your digital copies of records will be delivered on Encrypted Hard Drives or an SFTP site. Our customers can access the converted documents from the delivery media or upload the scanned images to their document management system. We also offer a data management portal where we can securely house your data for online access.
Why should you consider converting your records?
Your digitized records will require little to no physical storage space so that you can access the digital images online and easily electronically back up the digital images. We can index the records, making them easy to find with a simple keyword search.
How much will it cost to convert your data?
Prices are dependent upon factors associated specifically with your project. MIDCON needs to better understand your project to provide you with an accurate price estimate. Contact MIDCON Data, and we’ll discuss your project and provide you with ballpark pricing under no obligation.
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MIDCON is proudly affiliated and complies with the following companies, including Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). We adhere to the PCI DSS’s policies and procedures established to protect your credit, debit and cash transactions.